I'll be streaming from the #GenderCritical library recommending some great books and bringing you all the latest and breaking news on the subject of gender ideology!
Please join in with the conversation and recommend any good books on this topic!
Grab a drink, sit back, hit the stream link below and see you Saturday at 7 pm!
#SaveWomensSports #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #SexNotGender
Icelandic activist Eldur Kristinsson is currently under investigation by the Icelandic police after raising questions about the concept of male "chestfeeding". His bold stance on this controversial topic could land him in prison for up to two years.
#IStandWithEldurKristinsson #Iceland #IcelandicPolice
The #FA is being sued for its 'unlawful' rainbow armband campaign!
#FootballAssociation #Football