"I am the co-chair of Green Party Women, and I am challenging the Green Party to stand up for sense, science and our sex-based rights." - #EmmaBateman
"I have named Caroline Lucas because she is a prime example of the women in positions of power in the Party who have refused to make the GPEW a place where all women are welcome."
#IStandWithEmmaBateman #SexBasedRights #GreenParty #CarolineLucas #GPEW
Icelandic activist Eldur Kristinsson is currently under investigation by the Icelandic police after raising questions about the concept of male "chestfeeding". His bold stance on this controversial topic could land him in prison for up to two years.
#IStandWithEldurKristinsson #Iceland #IcelandicPolice
The #FA is being sued for its 'unlawful' rainbow armband campaign!
#FootballAssociation #Football