"Jackie Green was placed on so many hormones that when he was taken to Thailand to be castrated by his own mother, the course of puberty blockers that he had been on for years had made his penis so small that doctors were unable to construct a neovagina with it. Here’s Susie laughing about it, a moment that ends with the most heartbreaking cut of all time."
#InvestigateMermaids #SusieGreen #IStandWithLGBAlliance
Icelandic activist Eldur Kristinsson is currently under investigation by the Icelandic police after raising questions about the concept of male "chestfeeding". His bold stance on this controversial topic could land him in prison for up to two years.
#IStandWithEldurKristinsson #Iceland #IcelandicPolice
The #FA is being sued for its 'unlawful' rainbow armband campaign!
#FootballAssociation #Football